Jack, Isolation is not the key, but if we really mean to use isolation as a tool, it must be total to have an effect. If we must use it, then we must boycott Chinese imports, travels, etc., because boycotting the Olympics which is just a transient event will not evoke any serious reactions and it has not in the past. Having governments address the issue direct ly with the Chinese leadership and having them understand that the crack down is unacceptable may have economic consequencies will certainly have more bite; don you think so..
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official canada goose outlet I just don get those who are sticking up for them. Maybe it wouldn have been such a big deal if this was like 2 or 3 yrs down the rode and he had done either something good to counter act his behavior or at least laid low for a while but all that crap pretty much just happened! It canada goose outlet one thing if they met and dated and kept it quiet for a while (like I don know maybe made it a personal thing) and just did that but to get married so damn quick after that?? Really??? Why couldn they just date for a while, why do they even have to get married? Clearly they don have conservative views like must get married to consemate the marriage then we can have children I think anything like that flew out the window, especially with him, a long time ago. What does getting married prove? You can love someone and be faithful to them without getting married, although with him clearly getting married doesn mean faithful even then official canada goose outlet.