I have been a fan since the days of John Brodie and Gene Washington. I was forever during the lean years before (Bill) Walsh and again before (Jim) Harbaugh and have been summarily rewarded with many great memories including the five Super Bowl trophies. However, the 49ers that we are given now do nothing to […]
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The water will be covered with wildfowl far more confident that at any other time. You will see foxes and hares come down to the water to drink. The animals are confident there are no people about and so don’t notice you if you stay still by cover.. Could he be permitted to enter heaven, […]
Thus spake he, and Thetis the silver footed goddess was not disobedient to his word, and sped darting upon her way down from the peaks of Olympus. And she came to her son’s hut; there found she him making grievous moan, and his dear comrades round were swiftly making ready and furnishing their early meal, […]
When I think of Friedrich work, I imagine a solitary man contemplating his destiny and future. I wonder if that is what Alex was doing? What a loss. My thoughts are with the family and families. Mr Ramsey as well tried to talk with someone He said didnt speak English, again, prolly the Hispanic Gentleman. […]