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Not as light as a Nalgene, so for backpacking, look for something lighter, but for durability and longevity, I like it. I usually keep the case strapped to the upright part of the roll bar in my Jeep and the bottle inside the cup inside the case. When I am working outdoors, I just pull […]
At the end of the last sitting of Terrace City Council Mayor Pernarowski asked if there were any questions from the public kanken sale kanken sale0, as he does at each meeting. A mother of a young daughter raised her hand and began to express her disappointment in all of the community and public services. […]
The challenge culminated with the 2011 Nautica NYC Triathlon. I swam a mile in the Hudson River, biked 25 miles along the Henry Hudson Parkway and then ran 6.2 miles through Central Park. Before the challenge I had never done any of those events and now I have done them all in a row. Although […]