I hold the Diploma in Driving Instruction and have passed both the Diamond Advanced and Special driving tests, qualifying me as a Diamond advanced Instructor. I am ORDIT registered to deliver all parts of the Approved driving instructors nottingham qualifying exams as well as Check test re assessment and training for existing Instructors. I teach […]
Archivos de Categoría: Sin categoría
I was on a shoot in Northern California that helped lead me down the road of discovery to realize feeding your film crew well is always a good thing. It was a well funded short being shot on 35mm. Production had sprung for a fully loaded 4 Ton Grip Truck, John Deere E E Movie […]
The little boy seemed fine when he went to sleep the night of September 24th. He was put to sleep that night by his mom and never woke up. Reporter: Eli was the youngest and only boy of a set of trip lets. My personal favorite is Tony admiring assessment of Miami: town like a […]
Over the years, the plan morphed into giving you the furniture at the point of purchase and making payments. Then someone got the bright idea to charge interest and once that took off credit cards began. Soon, merchants were making more on their financing charges than the sale of goods (GE Capital) and the world […]