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Cochran was often called the “King of Pork” a title applied to

Then there are those who see underwater living as a way of preserving our species in the event of an apocalyptic catastrophe. In the event of a disaster that put paid to human life, communities could perform reverse versions of Noah’s ark. With that in mind, Philip Pauley, a futurist and the founder of the […]

Hockey Winnipeg provided the Avros team with money for pink

For 17 years, Brady has been deified in New England and resented everywhere else. Since jumping from high school to the NBA in 2003, King James has ruled ‘The Land’ to the infatuation of his fans (save that four year soiree in South Beach). Yet, upon his travels, ‘The Chosen One’ is met with merciless […]

The Republicans think their number one job is to make

Dalian has had a very profound history of takeovers and war dating back to the middle 1800s. This is China’s northernmost, enormous harbor that does not freeze over in winter. Everyone wants this geographical area especially Russia. It is a common lament among married women that the Department of Home Affairs changes their name to […]

Applicants failing the exam are allowed to sit for a second

Ks kige thelepanuvrne ja ilus Pulmad kingitused kunagi ninud loodi ks minu ed teise e pulmadeks. Ta ehitatud plised “pulm kook”, valged rtikud ja kaunistatud paelad, hoiab paigal prl pins, ja peitis hele cd, mitte, et midagi veel oli vaja. “cake” oli sellise kunstiteose ta varastas show teline kook! Kik tahtsid teada, kes tegi seda […]