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There are several reasons behind the not so happy ending

Brown Ranch in Throckmorton, Texas. One year old Angus bulls are lined up in a muddy runway unhappily waiting their turn in the squeeze chute. The steel gates close around the 1,000 pound animals that thrash briefly before settling down.. In 1992, the company has supplied 500 trucks to the defence. Over the years it […]

Rich also periodically interrupts my work to remind me of

Today, of course, we are an Aaron Rodgers house. (Never, ever get Rich started on Packers fans who defected when Favre left the team.) Over coffee in the morning, I can expect to be enlightened on Rodgers latest quarterback ranking. Rich also periodically interrupts my work to remind me of small facial expressions and gestures […]

Against the house, a simple bench was flanked by potted box

Graham and Kirsty had completely redone the front garden and removed several unlovely trees, giving the house a sophisticated sweeping drive bordered by curved hedges of lavender and rosemary. Against the house, a simple bench was flanked by potted box. I suggested rejigging the pots, and acquiring some bigger ones (that would need less frequent […]

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