In one of my favorite books, The Hornes: An American Family, Horne daughter Gail Buckley (then Gail Lumet Buckley her ex husband was the great director Sidney Lumet, who directed Ms. Horne in The Wiz) mentions quite a few of her mother favorite things. “My mother bedroom and bath were awash in Chen yu […]
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Since it took the GOP 6 years to create this mess I am not sure why everyone expected Obama to clean it up in 2 years, 3 years or even 4 years. After all Its not like the GOP has been a partner in fixing the mess they created. They have acted like SORE LOSERS […]
With regard to legislatures, it is possible for one house to correct the blunders of the other, or to pass bills without fear that they will actually become law. Bicameralism gives every citizen two legislators to elect, so if one is a dope or a crook, a voter can go to the other for assistance […]
There were so many touching moments, from Al Sharpton telling the children their dad was not strange, he just had to deal with some strange things(all for someone to gain money and ruin someones life), Usher breaking down while singing, His brother singing his favorite song, the family on stage at the very end and […]