I wasn meaning to imply a complete division, as I said though yeti cup, it a fairly rare occasion when the interests of art and big business coincide perfectly. I also believe that Hollywood has long been organized in such a way that people are less willing to take risks on “artsy” films unless the […]
Archivos de Categoría: Sin categoría
This concern addresses a little known problem with the entire modernization concept. It has to do with the electrical power grid here in the Northwest. There is not enough power generation at Kemano to supply both the smelter and the Northwest. Peu le notent l’agenda. Trois sur 13 se prsentent. Politique de l’cole: je dois […]
nazi codes foul terraces of football club It strangely appropriate, in fact, that in this age of business model fetishism, the last thriving Internet brand is not a brand in the traditional sense, but a pure, naked business model, the aggregate of millions of unbranded transactions. The antithesis of the classic dot com marketing model, […]
The traffic radar method speed detection measurement depends upon the Doppler effect. Simply stated a radio wave which strikes a moving object is reflected from that object at different frequency from that of the incident wave. A radar which transmits waves and receives reflected waves can determine their frequency difference and calculate the speed of […]