The coiled snake is a symbol of latent energy. In Buddhist Tantra the susumna is a hollow canal through the spinal column where the solar and lunar energies spiral. The susumna is closed at its base until psychic energies are awakened. It is often experienced as moving in a rhythmic, wavelike spiraling motion. It was an ancient symbol related to the Greek staff of Hermes which had great healing powers. This also recalls the structure of a DNA helix, and so is symbolic of physical reality and manifested form..
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The male often perches on various pinnacles of the building giving good scope views from the grounds. Another regular site is the Tate Modern, on top of the chimney, although last year this pair seemed to have moved to another site, posssibly the houses of Parliament.Complain about this comment (Comment number 4)Comment number 5. At 13:27 26th Mar 2011, Benjy Kite10flyer wrote: We now have a pair of Peregrines on Norwich Cathedral!!! Platform put up by Hawk Owl Trust.
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