
That is just slightly below the 23 point spread Connolly

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Forecast models suggest the heaviest rain will focus near the coast around the South Carolina and North Carolina border. Through Sunday evening, 20 to 25 inches of rain could fall in southeast North Carolina and far northeast South Carolina on top of what has already fallen. These are numbers that far exceed what fell on the same region during Hurricane Matthew in 2016..

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The poll of likely Democratic primary voters, first reported yesterday by the Congressional newspaper The Hill, had Connolly ahead of Byrne by a 20 point margin, 45 25. That is just slightly below the 23 point spread Connolly claimed in a January poll. Both surveys were conducted by Lake Research Partners.

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“It’s hard to know,” Tobias said. “We may never know. You just don’t want to roll the dice. She mocked those who have contributed to the Obama campaign because we dare to dream that a leader can rise out of communities hit by poverty and not out of communities of privilege. While I heard her attacking our lives work and our dreams, I did not hear her plan about how the economy would be saved and how help would be on the way for folks who are losing their homes. While she was attacking our dream for a better America, I did not hear her say anything about a new kind of government coming from the Republican Party.

For a country where nearly 75 percent of individuals get their news from television, this lack of coverage suggests that Russians outside the capital are not receiving comprehensive information of the ongoing unrest. However, word does appear to be spreading: During the Aug. 10 protests, solidarity rallies attracted protesters in cities across the country, including St.