Adolescent Health
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Over the past half century, the prevalence of childhood disabilities in the United States has been on the rise, possibly due to an increased awareness about these issues. Now a study published in this week’s online issue of Pediatrics suggests the nature of those newly diagnosed disabilities is changing.
The report, “Changing Trends of Childhood Disability, 2001 2011 found the number of American children with disabilities rose 16% over a 10 year period. While there was a noted decline in physical problems, there was a large increase in disabilities classified as neurodevelopmental conditions or mental health issues, such as ADHD and autism. Amy Houtrow, chief of the Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine at Children Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Have you had the talk with your kids?
uk canada goose It’s called sexting, the act of sending and/or receiving sexually explicit text or photo messages via your mobile phone. And one in five middle school aged students are doing it, according to a new study published in the medical journal Pediatrics. uk canada goose
Among the 1,285 Los Angeles students aged 10 to 15 surveyed for the study, 20% reported having received at least one sext, while 5% reported having sent at least one sext.
canada goose coats “Very frequently it’s the image or the sex, that is finding its way to the middle schooler first, prior to any sort of conversation or education by parents, said Ian Kerner, a sexuality counselor and father to two boys. The survey showed that those who reported receiving a sext, were six times more likely to report being sexually active than teens who hadn received a sext. Those who sent a sext were about 4 times more likely to report being sexually active. canada goose coats
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If you thought smoking a joint occasionally was OK, a new study released Tuesday suggests you might want to reconsider.
The study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, is the first to link casual marijuana use to major changes in the brain. And according to the researchers, the degree of abnormalities is based on the number of joints you smoke in a week.
Using different cheap canada goose types of neuroimaging, researchers examined the brains of 40 young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 who were enrolled in Boston area colleges. Twenty of them smoked marijuana at least once a week. The other 20 did not use pot at all. FULL POST
Severe obesity in kids on the rise
The decline of childhood obesity rates seen in a couple of recent studies may be nothing more than an illusion, according to a new study published canada goose outlet washington dc Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
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canada goose clearance sale Severe childhood obesity rates have more than doubled since 1999, according to the study. In 1999 2000, less than 1% of children fell into the Class 3 obesity category meaning they had a body mass index 140% higher than their peers. In 2011 2012, 2.1% of children were in the same category. An additional 5.9% met the criteria for Class 2 obesity. canada goose clearance sale
Best ways to prevent and treat the common cold
Although the world of medicine has made incredible progress when it comes to tackling certainillnesses, scientists still have not been able to find the cure for the common cold. But there are ways to prevent colds as well as treat them. The question is, which are the most canada goose trenton jacket uk effective?
According to a review in the recent edition of the canada goose outlet woodbury Canadian Medical Association Journal, hand washing and possibly taking zinc seem to be the best ways to avoid getting sick. Investigators reviewed 67 randomized controlled trials that showed hand washing as well as alcohol disinfectants are the best ways to ward off colds. Vitamin C, canada goose outlet belgium the standard of cold fighters, did not seem as effective. high school seniors do not see regular marijuana use as harmful to their health, according to this year Monitoring the Future survey from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. More than a third of the seniors surveyed reported smoking marijuana in the past 12 months.
Each year, the Monitoring the Future survey asks eighth, 10th and 12th graders about their drug and alcohol use and canada goose outlet in usa their attitudes toward illegal substances. public and private schools participated.
Canada Goose Coats On Sale Pediatricians support condoms for teens Canada Goose Coats On Sale
Providing condoms to adolescents has been and likely will continue to be a controversial topic. But the American Academy of Pediatrics is asking communities, educators, parents and doctors to step up in making this form of contraception more available to teens.
abstinence of sexual activity is the most effective method for prevention of pregnancy and STIs (sexually transmitted infections), young people should be prepared for the time when they will become sexually active, several doctors wrote in a policy statement published Monday in the organization journal Pediatrics. used consistently and correctly, male latex condoms reduce the risk of pregnancy and many STIs, including HIV. pregnancy rates are declining in the United States; in 2011, the number of babies born to women aged 15 to 19 was at a record low, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, continue to be a problem for this age group. The CDC estimates that people between the ages of 15 and 24 account for half of the 20 million new STI cases that are reported each year.
canada goose store In the statement, an update from their 2001 position, the pediatricians organization recommends removing restrictions and barriers that often prevent teens from accessing condoms. Parents should be talking to their teens about sex, the doctors say, and pediatricians can help. They also recommend providing condoms in schools, in addition to comprehensive sexual education canada goose store.